CRISTANINI Presents Simple Solution for CBRN Decontamination and Detoxification
CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radioactive, Nuclear) is dangerous. Getting it cleaned up takes some effort, but Italian firm CRISTANINI’s innovative range of decontamination/detoxification systems certainly makes it easier.
Its Sanijetgun puts the decon/detox operation in the hands of a single person, allowing hot or cold water under high pressure to mix with BX 24 powder, which is sprayed onto vehicles, equipment or personnel. The special lightweight and compact lance enables the operator to carry out three operations at the same time: pre-washing, decontamination/detoxification and rinsing.
"Unlike most decon/detox systems requiring the decontaminant to be mixed beforehand, our Sanijetgun mixes the chemical with water as it is operated," explain CRISTANINI spokesperson. "Of course, on sensitive equipment like aircraft instruments, computers and electro-optics, we use a non-corrosive, non-toxic decontaminant such as our SX 34."
The company claims that this decon/detox operation is environmentally safe and does not damage the sensitive equipment when cleaned. "CBRN is the genie in the bottle," adds CRISTANINI spokesperson. "We need to make sure it remains contained."
Visit the CRISTANINI booth at Future Forces Exhibition or attend CRISTANINI presentation "Biological Outbreaks: Containment and Consequence Management" within the World CBRN & Medical Congress.
For more information about CRISTANINI product portfolio please visit or view the Sanijet Product data sheet.
Via Porton n. 5 – 37010 RIVOLI VERONESE (VR) – ITALY
Tel. +39-045-6269400 - Fax +39-045-6269411
E-mail: [email protected]
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