MIKOV at Future Forces 2022
Mikov is a traditional knife company in the Czech Republic, where the industrial production of knives dates back to 1794. A significant part of the production includes knives and cold weapons intended for the army, police and armed forces. This includes, in particular, an assault bayonet for the BREN2 automatic rifle, which is the owner of the industrial model Česká Zbrojovka - Colt, a UTON paratrooper knife, Rescue knives, special combat knives or knives from the War Veteran edition, the design is motivated by foreign missions of the Czech Army or a faithful copy of the aviation cord model 1927. In addition, Mikov produces a complete range of cutlery with an emphasis on exceptional quality.
You can meet the Mikov team at Future Forces Exhibition in hall 4 on 19 - 21 October 2022.
For more information please visit www.mikov.cz
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