The Faculty of Engineering of the CZU Prague at Future Forces 2022
The Faculty of Engineering of the CZU Prague provides Bachelor's and Master's education within eight accredited study programmes with five follow-up Ph.D. study programmes. A permanent goal of the faculty is to produce quality graduates in the study programmes for careers that are in high demand. This objective is conditioned not only by the quality pedagogical work of all faculty employees but also by extensive creative work in research activities and cooperation with the sphere of application and with foreign partners. A higher faculty income should come from research projects, state support of research organisations and collaboration with industry.
In ProLab, we are developing a multi-purpose working drone under the working name AGRONAUT. It is a working drone intended for local application of chemical protective substances in the system of precision agriculture. The UAV device is a response to modern trends in industry and meets the requirements of the "Industry 4.0" concept. The Agronaut is designed as a modular platform and carrier, which can be fitted with various measuring or working devices. Due to the fact that it is basically a cargo drone, it will also be possible to use this drone “DistribuThor” for the contactless distribution of medicines or protective equipment in areas with increased risk. Last version “LocaThor” brings some new applications. At first is using hybrid power module with small combustion engine and generator for longer range and flying time. These design modifications meet the requirements for the use of drone in defence units (model „UniThor“).
You can meet the CZU team at Future Forces Exhibition in hall 2.
For more information please visit
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