Atlantis telecom at Future Forces 2022
Atlantis telecom is a Value Added Distributor of innovative and commercially successful ICT solutions covering the technology areas of Telephony, Unified Communications (UC), Contact Centres, Network technologies, Structured Cabling and Mobility.
Atlantis's product portfolio includes a wide range of innovative technologies and products from leading ICT industry companies. Our essential suppliers are Poly, Mitel, Aruba Networks/HPE, Jabra, Plantronics, AudioCodes, Reichle & De-Massari (R&M), Barracuda, QSAN, Riverbed, Microsoft, and Neat, among others.
We have carefully selected our products and suppliers based on our market experience and long-term relationships with our partners for almost three decades. Together with our partners, we respond to the daily communication needs of our customers and support them in developing their business with the best ICT solutions available on the global markets.
An essential part of our business is the in-house development of innovative software applications that enrich and complement the products we distribute. Our primary focus is the in-house development of an Omni-channel Contact Centre application called FrontStage and its customisation and integration into our customers' specific business environments.
You can meet the Atlantis team at Future Forces Exhibition in hall 2 on 19 - 21 October 2022.
For more information please visit
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