Handheld Group Exhibits at Future Forces 2022
Handheld Group will showcase its portfolio of products and services at Future Forces 2022.
Handheld Group AB is a manufacturer and worldwide supplier of rugged PDAs and mobile computers. Together with partners Handheld deliver complete mobility solutions to businesses in industries such as logistics, forestry, geodesy, public transportation, construction, service & maintenance, military and security. The Handheld Group of Sweden has subsidiaries in Sweden, Finland, the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Australia, UK and the USA.
At our stand you will find a wide collection off our rugged PDAs, mobile computers. All of our rugged computers are at least IP65-rated, all have a MIL-STD810G rating, and we offer devices that can operate from -40 C up to 60 C.
In addition to our off-the-shelf solutions, we offer options for customized versions of our products, or even custom-built devices for your specific requirements. Even if we don't have the exact rugged device you’re looking for, feel free to visit our stand anyway as there may be an opportunity for a custom case.
Visit us at the Future Forces Exhibition to learn more about our capabilities.
Further information is available at www.handheldgroup.com
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