14th FFF will be held on 19 - 21 October 2022 in Prague
Due to the continuing uncertainty related to the further development of the pandemic throughout the world that might potentially lead to the cancellation or reduction of mass events even in the upcoming autumn 2021, we decided to set the dates for the 14th FUTURE FORCES FORUM to 19 - 21 October 2022. The main program will again be held from Wednesday to Friday at the PVA EXPO PRAHA exhibition center.
We believe that this decision will be perceived by all stakeholders as an opportunity to realistically and effectively plan and organise all activities related to their participation within the FFF program – international defence & security exhibition Future Forces, expert panels, official NATO working groups’ meetings, and networking.
Continuous and increasing interest in participating in the FFF has been shown from domestic and foreign representatives of government organisations, armed and security forces, diplomatic corps, industry, R&D centers, and the academic community. A high level of official delegations from over 30 countries throughout all continents have already confirmed and we are expecting more to come. The FFF will become an even more extensive platform for creating new and enhancing existing relations, exchanging information, knowledge and experience.
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