Announcement of postponement - FFF will not take place live in April 2021
The international exhibition Future Forces, expert panels and networking within the FUTURE FORCES FORUM planned for 28 - 30 April 2021 have to be postponed due to the ongoing pandemic situation and declared state of emergency.
The new date will be decided in close cooperation with all stakeholders and in consideration of all circumstances. Organization of such an event is a continuous work that includes constant coordination of all activities and involved organisations, whose participation is crucial for the final result.
Our main goal is the utmost and long-term satisfaction of all FFF participants and we firmly believe that our situation will be understood. We also deeply appreciate the expressed support in these difficult times and look forward to the opportunity to meet you all again in person.
Please also note that some of the FFF expert panels will be held in hybrid or virtual form. At the moment, the following events go online:
- 21st Air Defence Conference – Advanced Technologies for Air Superiority (29 - 30 April 2021)
- NATO STO Specialists’ Meeting on Drone Detectability (27 - 29 April 2021)
- Other panels may be added, please follow us for all updates
We will continuously inform about the progress on our websites and social networks.
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