Memorandum of Cooperation with Police Academy
Where does the future of internal security begin? Right here, with long-term collaboration rooted in trust, expertise, and a shared vision!
We’re thrilled to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between Future Advanced Technologies / Future Forces Forum and the Police Academy of the Czech Republic in Prague. This agreement isn’t just a formality—it’s a commitment to ongoing partnership, mutual support, and the continuous exchange of knowledge and innovation in areas crucial to national security, resilience, and the protection of critical infrastructure.
By uniting academic research, strategic foresight, and real-world application, we’re paving the way for:
- - Cutting-edge research and innovation in defense and security technologies
- - Joint educational initiatives that strengthen preparedness and resilience
- - Networking across national and international platforms under the FFF umbrella
Stay tuned for future updates and opportunities to connect with our growing community of experts, practitioners, and leaders. Because securing tomorrow starts with solid partnerships today.
Generálporučík (v.v.) Jaromír Zůna posiluje tým FFF
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