VIAKOM presents detection radars
VIAKOM has been a leading importer and wholesaler of security and CCTV systems since 1999. The basic idea of the company is to be more than just an importer, which in practice means providing value-added services. VIAKOM offers a wide portfolio of proven and quality products, high stock availability of the entire range, technical support from certified specialists and last but not least a pro-customer individual approach. The products offered are purchased by customers across the entire market, including government. The quality of the company is also popular with foreign customers from the European Union.
Viakom will presents at Future Forces 2024:
Drone Detection Radar AR-300 - watch video
Detection Radar Magos - watch video
VIAKOM willl present its portfolio in Hall 4 at Future Forces Exhibition, 16-18 October 2024, Prague.
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