Attendee List and Hotel Accommodation Scam Alert
It has come to our attention that a number of alleged data providers are claiming to have access to the FFF or Future Forces Exhibition attendee lists. We want to assure you that all these offers are scam and emails should be immediately deleted/blocked.
We are concerned by these claims and want to assure our visitors, delegates, exhibitors and partners that we take data protection seriously. We want to assure you that these providers do not have access to the data they are claiming to possess and urge extreme caution when dealing with them. We never provide the delegates' contacts to third sides.
Most of our participants do not need registration because it is military, police or other uniformed services who have free entry to the exhibition, so that we even do not posess data of 10,000+ attendees of the particular event, as it is usually stated in the scam emails.
If you are contacted by anyone claiming to have access to FFF/FFE database, attendees or contact information, or if the company seems like they are affiliated with FFF, please do not respond to their message. Even the action of unsubscribing is not encouraged as this will inform the sender that your email address is active, usually resulting in additional unwanted emails.
Unfortunately, scammers are also targeting attendees and exhibitors claiming to represent conferences and encouraging you to book rooms using fake promotion codes at a variety of hotels. If you receive this type of email or telephone call, please know the sender or caller is a scammer impersonating the conference. To be clear, these companies are not in any way affiliated with FFF and are not authorized to use our name or the name of the hotel.
Official FFF accommodation offer is available at
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