DiMiMED 2020
DiMiMED - International Conference on Disaster and Military Medicine
The 2020 DiMiMED Conference is scheduled to be held in Dusseldorf in association with MEDICA, the International Medical Trade Fair, on 16 - 17 November 2020.
For those who are not familiar with the Conference, DiMiMED is an important medical educational and information forum which is largely focused on the interface between Disaster Medicine and Military Medicine. Planning for the 2020 event is well underway and, following on from recommendations arising from the evaluation of last year’s Conference, the programme this year will include a module on Military and Civilian International collaboration in Disaster Operations. In addition, there will be sessions dealing with developments in treatment and diagnosis of Infectious Disease, CBRN, Mental Health as well as Disaster Medicine and Traumatology.
DiMiMED is organized by Beta Publishing under the auspices of the www.military-medicine.com, one of the FFF professional media partners.
For more information about the conference please visit DiMiMED website.
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