Microflown AVISA Exhibits at Future Forces 2020
We are pleased to again welcome Microflown AVISA among the Future Forces exhibitors on 21 - 23 October 2020.
Microflown AVISA’s mission is to provide a complete 3D acoustic situational awareness by detecting, localising and classifying the full range of audible battlefield threats, such as:
- Small Arms Fire
Engine driven platforms (helicopters, planes, UAVs, boats and ground vehicles)
Enabler is the Microflown, the world’s first and only acoustic sensor that measures acoustic particle velocity instead of the well-known sound pressure.
The core product is the Acoustic Multi-Mission Sensor (AMMS), incorporating various directional Microflown sensors, a DSP and a wind cap.
There is a variety of options for geo referencing, powering and communication.
An AMMS is passive, cannot be jammed, requires no line of sight (darkness, fog, dust) and also works under adverse weather conditions (heavy rain).
As the AMMS is low Size, Weight and Power (low SWaP), it can be deployed on all sorts of carrying platforms, such as:
Unattended Ground Sensors
Vehicles ( wheeled and tracked)
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (quad copters and fixed wings)
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