ROHDE & SCHWARZ becomes Silver Partner of the C4ISTAR Panel
ROHDE & SCHWARZ becomes Silver Partner of the C4ISTAR Panel within the Future Forces Individual Systems Congress.
Rohde & Schwarz is a close, long-standing partner of government authorities, armed forces and leading companies in the aerospace and defense industry.
Communications and security solutions for aerospace
Rohde & Schwarz helps ensure air traffic safety with its comprehensive range of technologies, services and products. These cover the entire spectrum from ATC working positions to antennas, from the delivery of components to turnkey solutions and subsequent operation of the system. Rohde & Schwarz offers its customers extensive and profound expertise that it has accumulated over many decades.
Existing customers include more than 200 airports, air navigation service providers, airlines, air forces and oil companies in more than 80 countries.
Communications and intelligence solutions for armed forces
Armed forces need their own highly secure communications equipment to succeed in their missions and safeguard national sovereignty. For decades, Rohde & Schwarz has supplied ground, air and naval forces throughout the world with innovative intelligence and communications systems.
Communications and security solutions for critical infrastructures
The digital transformation will leave literally no area of the economy or society unaffected. In order for it to succeed, data and communications must be safeguarded. The explosive growth of networked products makes it easier to launch digital attacks on companies, authorities and critical infrastructures. To protect them, Rohde & Schwarz develops and produces a broad range of technically advanced products.
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