JISR Institute becomes Gold Partner of the C4ISTAR Panel within the Future Forces Individual Systems Congress
JISR Institute introduction
INSTITUTE for searching and creating SOLUTIONS in the field of Joint Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (JISR) capabilities for Military and Civil State organisations.
JISR Institute, a.s. (PLC) can provide tailored solution for different missions and tasks for customers – army special Joint ISR and EW teams. JISR Institute provide special technical, tactical and operational training on different ISR and EW systems as well.
We can even "rent" operators in special cases.
In other words, we do turnkey solution, which can be long-term (education, training) or shorterm (particular mission, for example building up the ISR system for army abroad missions etc.). Institute works on "subject matter experts" principle. Most of those experts are former ISR and EW officer with experience from abroad missions.
Principles of our work “Integration to JISR capability”:
- Analyzes & creation architectures, scenarios JISR;
- Resource & technologies development;
- Doctrines & education, training;
- Contractors & engineering services.
Integration to JISR capabillity
Institute shall Workflow:
- Analyse Your requirements and environment by team of Subject Matter Experts (SME) with rich experiences.
- Design and deliver operational and technological solutions customized in accordance with Your requirements.
- Provide open interface for integration Your earlier established systems and for integration systems established in future.
- Cover needs of complex training and preparation.
- Secure special technologies life cycle at end user.
We offer JISR solution, for example:
- Creating tactical and operational scenarios JISR
- Complex supplies of technology JISR (C4, EW, …INT, UAS)
- Design and development SW for integration JISR
- Electronic warfare tactics and organization (EWTO)
- Scenarios for antidrone solution
- Maintenance and continuous improvement
Your future with Institute:
- Early warning by complex survey
- Timely countermeasures generation ability
- Effective operation by systems, human resources and technology processes appropriate composition
- Adjusted knowledge management
- Maximum exploitation of existing technologies and systems and their integration and replenishment inc interface unification
- Forces operation scenario generation by Your experts
Introduction of the JISR Institute as a PDF.
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