Macedonian Minister of Defence confirmed participation in the FFF
Wide participation of senior defence and security representatives and experts from all over the world as well as current topics of expert events attract more and more important delegations. Macedonian delegation of the Ministry of Defence will be headed by the Minister of Defence H.E. Zoran Jolevski Ph.D..
Over 1,000 official delegates and VIP guests will attend the events held at the PVA EXPO PRAHA from 19 to 21 October within the FUTURE FORCES FORUM.
Exhibitors and partners have a unique opportunity to schedule personal meetings with official delegations and VIP guests through FFF matchmaking.
Exhibition visitors and participants of the specialized events will see the latest defence and security technologies, will get acquainted with new trends and needs presented by leading experts from around the world.
Or REGISTER ONLINE as an exhibition visitor or participant in the specialized events.
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