University of Chemistry and Technology Prague signs cooperation agreement with FFF
We are pleased to announce that the University of Chemistry and Technology Prague (UCT) has become a part of the R&D pavilion at Future Forces Exhibition (FF16), where it will present its defence and security projects.
University of Chemistry and Technology Prague focuses on education and research in the field of chemistry, chemical engineering, biochemistry, biotechnology and material engineering. Apart from the traditional chemical field it focuses also on research in biotechnology, nanotechnology, sustainable growth, new energy sources, ecology, and food industry. Newly pharmacochemistry, Biopharmaceuticals and molecular engineering.
We are honoured that UCT became a part of the Future Forces Forum and we believe that our cooperation will provide significant benefits for both, the FF16 participants and also the university itself, its staff and students. For more information about UCT, please visit
Rector UCT, Prof. Ing. Karel Melzoch, PhD. and CEO FFF, Daniel Kočí signed contract of cooperation on 24 Aug.
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