VIP a oficiální hosté 2024
potvrzený řečník
potvrzená účast
řečník bude potvrzen
účast bude potvrzena
pozvaný řečník
pozvání k účasti
účast zrušena
účast řečníka zrušena
Ing. Petr Pavel M.A.
Prezident České republiky
Mgr. Jana Černochová
Ministryně obrany
Ministerstvo obrany ČR
Bc. Jan Lipavský
Ministr zahraničních věcí
Ministerstvo zahraničních věcí
genpor. Ing. Karel Řehka
náčelník Generálního štábu Armády České republiky
Generální štáb AČR
Gen. Philippe Lavigne
Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (Sep 2021 - Sep 2024)
NATO Allied Command Transformation
MG Andrus Merilo
Estonian Defence Forces
doc. Ing. Karel Havlíček Ph.D., MBA
Místopředseda poslanecké sněmovny
Poslanecká sněmovna ČR
PhDr. Pavel Žáček Ph.D.
Předseda Výboru pro bezpečnost a člen Výboru pro obranu
Poslanecká sněmovna ČR
Mgr. Lubomír Metnar
Předseda výboru pro obranu; Ministr obrany 2018 - 2021
Poslanecká sněmovna Parlamentu České republiky; Ministerstvo obrany
genpor. Mgr. Martin Vondrášek
Policejní prezident
Policejní prezidium České republiky
Organizace a instituce 2024
potvrzený řečník
potvrzená účast
řečník bude potvrzen
účast bude potvrzena
pozvaný řečník
pozvání k účasti
účast zrušena
účast řečníka zrušena
29 number of
participants in
the delegation -
3 number of
participants in
the delegation -
2 number of
participants in
the delegation -
19 number of
participants in
the delegation -
307 number of
participants in
the delegation -
126 number of
participants in
the delegation -
1 number of
participants in
the delegation -
49 number of
participants in
the delegation -
415 number of
participants in
the delegation -
24 number of
participants in
the delegation -
27 number of
participants in
the delegation -
11 number of
participants in
the delegation -
31 number of
participants in
the delegation -
9 number of
participants in
the delegation -
10 number of
participants in
the delegation -
44 number of
participants in
the delegation -
21 number of
participants in
the delegation
Národní delegace 2024
Vezměte prosím na vědomí, že země jsou seřazeny podle svých ISO kódů-
potvrzený řečník
potvrzená účast
řečník bude potvrzen
účast bude potvrzena
pozvaný řečník
pozvání k účasti
účast zrušena
účast řečníka zrušena
4 number of
participants in
the delegation -
7 number of
participants in
the delegation -
5 number of
participants in
the delegation -
8 number of
participants in
the delegation -
8 number of
participants in
the delegation -
8 number of
participants in
the delegation -
7 number of
participants in
the delegation -
8 number of
participants in
the delegation -
4 number of
participants in
the delegation -
7 number of
participants in
the delegation -
3 number of
participants in
the delegation -
4 number of
participants in
the delegation -
1 number of
participants in
the delegation -
27 number of
participants in
the delegation -
2 number of
participants in
the delegation -
3 number of
participants in
the delegation -
7 number of
participants in
the delegation -
6 number of
participants in
the delegation -
5 number of
participants in
the delegation -
2 number of
participants in
the delegation -
4 number of
participants in
the delegation -
4 number of
participants in
the delegation -
1033 number of
participants in
the delegation -
21 number of
participants in
the delegation -
2 number of
participants in
the delegation -
6 number of
participants in
the delegation -
2 number of
participants in
the delegation -
9 number of
participants in
the delegation -
10 number of
participants in
the delegation -
7 number of
participants in
the delegation -
8 number of
participants in
the delegation -
6 number of
participants in
the delegation -
13 number of
participants in
the delegation -
10 number of
participants in
the delegation -
11 number of
participants in
the delegation -
9 number of
participants in
the delegation -
11 number of
participants in
the delegation -
2 number of
participants in
the delegation -
5 number of
participants in
the delegation -
8 number of
participants in
the delegation -
7 number of
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the delegation -
5 number of
participants in
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11 number of
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4 number of
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8 number of
participants in
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1 number of
participants in
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1 number of
participants in
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9 number of
participants in
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1 number of
participants in
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2 number of
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2 number of
participants in
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10 number of
participants in
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3 number of
participants in
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participants in
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5 number of
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participants in
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2 number of
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3 number of
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3 number of
participants in
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5 number of
participants in
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2 number of
participants in
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3 number of
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9 number of
participants in
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3 number of
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2 number of
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the delegation -
13 number of
participants in
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11 number of
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9 number of
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5 number of
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3 number of
participants in
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14 number of
participants in
the delegation -
29 number of
participants in
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7 number of
participants in
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6 number of
participants in
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3 number of
participants in
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2 number of
participants in
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16 number of
participants in
the delegation -
3 number of
participants in
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8 number of
participants in
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2 number of
participants in
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7 number of
participants in
the delegation -
6 number of
participants in
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6 number of
participants in
the delegation -
9 number of
participants in
the delegation -
95 number of
participants in
the delegation -
5 number of
participants in
the delegation -
31 number of
participants in
the delegation -
16 number of
participants in
the delegation -
4 number of
participants in
the delegation -
8 number of
participants in
the delegation